Today we went to Long Beach. Once we got there we discovered that one of the engines on the sub was not working and we had no idea why. The propellor was spinning but it was not producing any thrust. We finally discovered that the engine was cavitating ( just churning the water, like a blender) but we faced another dilemna, how would we stop this. We discovered that it was cavitating because the propeller's plane was located at the end of the engine tube close to the plane of the tube. There must have been some evil power working against us because we did not bring any sandpaper to shoten the tube. First we asked everyone else if the had sandpaper, they didn't then we asked the lifeguards if they had any, they didn't. We tried sanding it on the rough surface of a diving board but ended up sanding the board and earning a disapproving glare from the lifegaurd. We were considering taking a piece of paper and hot gluing sand from the beach onto it or selling our souls to the evil spirit haunting our project when we found a wire cutter. Through all of our hardships good prevailed, and although it was rather difficult to chip off pieces of a plastic tube without flicking the pieces into our eyes we prevailed and in doing so decided to name our sub the H.M.S. Posieden after the ancient Greek god of the sea. We proceeded to begin testing our sub and astounded everyone with our awefullness( full of aweness).
HMS Poseidon in drydock while we contemplate how to fix the cavitation problem
HMS Poseidon in the water
Our newly chipped engine tube
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